USA Student Enrollment Strategies 101

The USA higher education market is rapidly changing due to a series of health, financial and cultural crises that have been magnified and accelerated by COVID-19. As a result, it is imperative for international universities to accurately and strongly position themselves for both the post-graduate market (existing) and undergraduate market (nascent). This webinar is for beginners and intermediates to the USA degree seeking market, and will help form and guide your degree enrollment strategies for USA students.

US $229

Here is what you will learn in this webinar:

  • Gain greater understanding of the USA market, and the current USA educational structure and status.   

  • Discuss why now is the opportune moment to strengthen your USA strategy: USA university closures/mergers, enrollment crashes, how COVID-19 is accelerating an already existing structural  problem.   

  • Clarify US undergraduate and post-graduate engagement and how your university can more effectively enter this market.

  • Implement 3 easy takeaways to inform your US market strategy:      

    • Clarify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)  

    • De-jargon the admissions criteria and inform your own process  

    • Apply our Level Up Roadmap to your align and grow your USA strategy.     



Denise Cope has 20+ years of experience in international education. She is the President of Affordable Degrees Abroad, a service for US students seeking education overseas. Before that, she was the Director of the Office of International Education at the University of Denver, where she sent over 4,000 USA to partner universities abroad. Her mission is to help USA students find an amazing undergraduate or post-graduate degree abroad, usually at a fraction of the cost in the US. Visit her at

Dr. Maggie Parke, USA Market Development Manager for the Study in Wales in the US is American herself, and is the product of both the USA system (BA English) and the UK system (MA English and PhD Creative Industries). She's been working in international education for more than 15 years, as the Americas Regional Manager for Bangor University in Wales, as well as independent consulting, lecturing, and working in the film industry. Now, her role with Universities Wales is to create opportunities and pathways between the USA and Wales, and she loves helping students realise they have options worldwide, and affordably. Visit her at