Are you tired of high cost U.S. University? Meet Emily.


“I’m sick of it,” Emily said.  “I feel like money is driving the system in the US.  My parents saved up for college the minute I was born, and it still isn’t enough.  I don’t want to go into serious debt for grad school, too.”

This is a common refrain I hear from young people and their families. Students worry about taking on debt load or not finding the right job to pay down the massive debt afterwards. And, they are right.  The US debt load for student debt is collectively $1.5 billion.  

I left my career in US higher education because I felt complicit with a system that is harming young people and I couldn’t be part of the unsustainable system anymore.  Based on my 20+ years of experience in international education, my mission is to help US students and families find affordable degrees abroad and just say no to unreasonable debt load.

Emily, current senior at a US university in Colorado, is majoring in neuroscience and wants to complete a masters and possibly a PhD in neuroscience abroad.  She came to me for help.  “I am going on various databases, but feel like I could fall into clickbait so easily.  Is this a good university?  Is it safe? Am I qualified for it?”   Emily and I worked through her academic, financial and other needs and matched them with universities throughout Europe. (Based on all of her needs, we identified universities in Germany, Norway and the UK and has begun to apply.)  Additionally, we created a list of next steps and timelines to achieve those goals.  She is still working her way through the process, but now feels more confident with herself and her goals.

Are you ready to know your alternatives?   Are you ready to grow your global network and skills? Are you ready to develop rock-solid problem-solving skills?  Schedule a FREE CALL.


Using Loans for University Abroad